CWF Scramble Against Cancer Golf Tournament '08

August 2, 2008


All photos are used by permission and are not to be reproduced, copied or sold. All rights reserved.


Prize Winners

Phil Straniero, Don Zinn, Mike Sullivan, and Jeff Boyd
photos copyright © 2008, Billy Hinsche

Once again, we had our million dollar hole in one contest comprised of our four closest to the pin winners Phil Straniero, Jeff Boyd, Albert Little, and Jeff Green. All four of these gentlemen had the chance to win $25,000 for a hole in one and the closest of these four to the pin took a shot for ONE MILLION!!

Billy Hinsche & Jeff Boyd
photo copyright © 2008, Todd Carlson

In addition to taking first place over-all with his team, Jeff Boyd also won the opportunity to take a shot for a million dollars and took home a nice little $250 cash prize in addition to his trophies!

John Kittredge with gorilla driver cover
photo copyright © 2008, Todd Carlson

John Kittredge models his groovy new silver head gorilla driver cover.


Ken Cootney with parrot driver cover
photo copyright © 2008, Todd Carlson

Now exactly what does Ken Cootney plan to do with that parrot driver cover? With a look like that, one can't be too sure!








Updated on September 12, 2008
Please report any problems to the webteam.