Fans gather for the Beach Party
photo copyright
©2000, Melinda Love
All registered walkers were invited to attend a Pre-Walk Beach Party. This site was the same location for the Surfin' Safari album cover photo. Fans, family, and friends had the opportunity to become acquainted and experience the beautiful, Malibu coastline.
The Beach Party featured a sing-along with Billy Hinsche, Jeff Foskett, Michael Angeloff, and John Zambetti
John Zambetti (above left) and Billy Hinsche (below left)
photo copyright
©2000, M. Dowdle Head
Geoffrey Cushing-Murray (center) and Jeffrey Foskett (foreground, with guitar)
photo copyright ©2000, Barbara Lang
Michael Angeloff (foreground, left) and Jeff Foskett (foreground, center)
photo copyright ©2000, Barbara Lang
photo copyright
©2000, Barbara Lang